Thursday, February 25, 2010

I like Maths

I like maths because I have to do it every day and I like doing + and tims tables and divison.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Gustav Klimt Art

We have been doing art work like Gustav Klimt  He was born in Austria in 1862.  He liked decorating his work with patterns and shapes.

Our Gustav Klimt Art.

Gustav Klimt was born in Austria in 1862.  He liked decorating his pictures with shapes and patterns.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hi room 6

Hi I'm Leon's mum,

I have join your blog, lucky you, yes I am at work but please don't tell I'm not suppose to do this.
You guy's work hard today and do as your told and your day will go quicker k
Have a nice day

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Rights and responsibilities

We have been learning more about our rights, but we have also learnt that we have responsibilities. We used our What if..... thinkers keys to help us think about them.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Andy Warhol Art work

Here is some more of our Andy Warhol artwork.

Look at our art.

We have been doing lots of art work.  We looked at Andy Warhol's art.  He was a famous pop artist and did lots and lots of prints of people.  We wanted to use some of his ideas.  Here is some of our art work.  It shows the "Mysterious Me".

We want a classroom that:

We want a classroom:

that has kind words
that is healthy and warm
that is tidy
where people take turns
that is happy
where people move swiftly and quietly
where people speak quietly
where we share ideas
where people are not interupted when they are learning
where we feel safe
that is colourful
where people listen

We have been learning all about "Mysterious Me" and how we can develop our strengths to help ourselves and others learn better. 

Looks like, sounds like, feels like.
We think that our classroom should look like we are taking turns, caring, thinking, looking after our things, is happy, people are learning, our class is tidy and we are sharing.  We think that it sounds like people are talking one at a time, sharing ideas, asking questions and working with buddies.  We think it should feel safe, intersting, exciting, happy, challenging and we should feel proud of our learning

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Welcome to roo 6 2010

Welcome to Room six.  I am looking foward to an exciting year of getting to know the new people in the class, welcoming back those who were here last year and lots and lots of great learning.  We have a busy start to the year, setting in place our expectations and making our class the very best place for learning.

Mrs Bourke