Friday, September 24, 2010

Newsletter Last of the Term

Room 6
September 24 2010

The end of the term and it certainly has been an interesting one. I hope by the time that we get back to school next term these after shocks have faded away. We have had a busy term. We completed our Inquiry on How Can I Make a Difference and what we have learnt I hope has made us realise how we can and have made a difference particularly at this time. We have learnt more about subtraction and addition. We have learnt how to write persuasively, another way that we can express ourselves. We continue to learn and relearn and remember what reading strategies we need to be using to understand and get more out of what we have read. In the holidays I will be planning more ways to learn.

Thank you to those who have or who will send food along for our end of term celebration. Thank you also to those who have donated food to the City Mission. Thank you to those who continue to support the children’s learning both at school and at home.

We say farewell to Lisa  who has been our student teacher. We wish her well not only with her teaching but also with her house which has had considerable damage. Lisa continued to come to school from her home which is without drinking water and sewerage. We thank her for her commitment and resilience.


We continue to blog away. There’s lots there to look at. Please add a comment; it is accessible to anyone and everyone. Each comment comes to me before it can be published so there is no opportunity for comments that we don’t like.

Stuff at school.
After many issues I have told the children not to bring Mighty Beans, or Trading cards to school for the following reasons. They are too easy to loose. They are too easy for children to put in their pocket when they do not belong to them. They distract the children from their learning. Trading Skills need to be developed to a higher level and I do not have the time to resolve complicated trading issues. If the children bring things to school that are not needed for their learning they must take responsibility for them. It is very difficult to find rugby balls, tennis balls, cars and other objects that are taken into the playground to play with. When money is brought to school it is a very good idea to give it to me for safe keeping.

Don’t forget daylight saving which begins on Sunday, yes it will be darker in the mornings but lighter at night. Spring your clock forward by an hour on Sunday morning.

Have a good holiday. The children certainly deserve an extended break.

1 comment:

  1. My brothers birthday is on the 26th of stember.Wich is when daylight savings Starts:).-Keighley.

    Keep safe!
