Friday, September 17, 2010

Loud Shirt Day

I am deaf.  I like being deaf because I have got two hearing aids, they are white and pink. It means that when you wear the FM I can hear people singing and talking.  When my hearing aids are not in I cannot really hear, I can hear quiet.  This makes me sad.  It is hard for me to make words properly.  I find it hard to listen to people in circle time. I like when Hayley comes here to help me learn more stuff.


  1. Hi Amber-Rose, I love the Shirt you wore for loud shirt day. I think it's great that so many kids from Freeville wore a "Loud Shirt" today. And it's great that we are raising money for such a great cause. That money might go towards helping with Hearing Aids and FMs. And some of the money might go go towards some research to help make life just abit easier for those of us that can't hear properly. from Jacqui

  2. hi amberrose wow that was areally bright shirt you wore for loud shirt day it is such a great cause callum has a deaf uncle he wears two hearing aids too you should ask callum about his uncle i enjoyed reading your story from callums mum

  3. Wow Amber-Rose you are wearing your favourite colour shirt for loud shirt day, and Freeville School, got behind the cause what a great thing that Freeville did for Loud Shirt Day.
    From your Mum
